The Barbie Movie Part 1: The Ken of Patriarchy

I imagine that C.S. Lewis would say that there is no better way to see how different English speaking society views the concept of patriarchy than by reading Ephesians 5:22 in The Message and comparing it to the 1599 Geneva translation.

The 1599 Geneva translation features a more strict rendering of Ephesians 5:22-24:

Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the wife’s head, even as Christ is the head of the Church, and the same is the Savior of his body.

Therefore as the Church is in subjection to Christ, even so let the wives be to their husbands in everything.

Words such as these in modern times that are by those presumed to be more enlightened are shunned by females steeped in cultural feminism. Even Christian women have a tendency to shrink from this verse, as they state that marriage is meant to be a team, and deemphasize this passage.

In Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of the Bible, The Message. Ephesians 5:22-24 are rendered much less stringently:

Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should likewise submit to their husbands.

That Christian women reject the language of the earlier translation demonstrates how different the concept is viewed now and how atheistic feminism really is. Barbie may be the final fruition Genesis 3:16 before our country is destroyed by those countries who crush the family structure less flagrantly.

It appears that the common implied definition of patriarchy is “authoritarian anti-intellectualism buttressed by an extremely literal interpretation of scripture” commonly referred to as “fundamentalism,” which in turn functions through the forced acceptance of extra biblical rules known as legalism. In such a system, the conscience is interpreted primarily through the leader. Or put in another way, the Bible is interpreted through the leader’s conscience with no Liberty reserved for anyone. What is more surprising is that someone might use the word fundamentalist to describe the Alabama-originating Presbyterian Church in America, if reddit, gatekeeping incarnate, is any indication. So the way that fundamentalism currently is used is usually in reference to the level of literal interpretation as opposed to metaphorical interpretation, and rather than whether a historical document is to be viewed as a historical document. No one claims that Julius Caesar should be read metaphorically. Some history is written by the winners but the literature may be more written by the losers. 

The Barbie movie doesn’t offer a prescription for what should happen but a description of what has happened, and the title character finds it wanting. While the intention of the Egyptians to create jewelry may have been evil, God can use the borrowed capital for good.

It is important to note that Julius Caesar was not the winner. He was stabbed. Repeatedly. In the Senate. With knives. No one claims that his memoirs were rewritten by someone else. So in his case, history was written by the loser. One of the most famous historical losers wrote history. From a materialist perspective, if it is assumed that Jesus died and therefore “lost,” his “losing” did not affect his writing of History. Even limited to a materialist perspective, His Spirit lived on in his followers. It is doubtful whether the same could be said of Julius Caesar. It is therefore all the more striking that Paul states that if Jesus were to have not resurrected, then faith in him would have been useless. No one says this about Julius Caesar. 

The Barbie movie is a history of feminism for the past 100 years. In that respect, it functions descriptively rather than prescriptively. Nothing that happens in it has not already occurred. The Barbies cheating on the kens to control them is not an instruction manual so much as it is art imitating life that already exists. It’s just another manifestation of feminism seeking to reverse God’s curse on Eve by controlling man and suppress the knowledge of God. In previous eras, humanity was viewed to orbit around God. Feminism seeks to reject this by implying that patriarchy means women orbit around men. The projection of patriarchy terminates in the orbiting of men around women. The political and religious manifestations of this are women pastors and an 83 year old woman governing the House of Representatives of the entire country, and second in the presidential line of succession. Another political manifestation of this is giving women the right to murder their children. In the Barbie movie, this is merely described as women having a matriarchy, and implied by there being no children in the Barbie world and the only pregnant Barbie described as weird. 

What happens in the Barbie world is really just a microcosm of the real world. Ken cannot restore the patriarchy because he is ignorant of the source of patriarchy, which is Christianity. This is underlined by God at the end of the movie being presented as a woman. Barbie has access to the god of feminism, but Ken is ignorant and unable to reach the God of the patriarchs. The Barbie movie is nothing to fear. It is merely the movie representation of what has already occurred. At the beginning of the 1980s, Ronald Reagan led a surge of masculinity, but 40 years later All that remains in the mind of public is the image of Reagan without memory of him quoting the screw tape letters or the Bible. To ken, Ronald Reagan the Christian and Bill Clinton the adulterer are equal representations of masculinity.

Because Ken is ignorant of the God of the patriarchs in one sense, he is unable to restore patriarchy. It is also noteworthy that Ken seems to have no understanding of Christianity. Ken represents a foolish man with good intentions. His representation of all men is accurate to their degree that men are fools. Because he has no knowledge of God he is almost inherently foolish with no guidebook other than popular culture to inform him or instruct him. Ken thinks in pictures and has no real concept of books. Considering that most of America is alliterate, Ken in this respect is an accurate portrayal of the average American even caricatured. 

When the baby dolls are thrown down at the beginning of the movie this was a result of patriarchy flowing from Christianity being replaced by feminism flowing from luciferianism. When the baby doll is smashed against the rock,ot is replaced by Barbie. When Barbie is smashed against reality, there is no replacement. There is just Ken unmoored from a creator. As a result, Barbie becomes unmoored from her creator. As her spiritual nature dies, she looks for answers in biology when she visits the gynecologist. When Barbie remove herself from a patriarchy infused Barbie world, she is really moving herself farther away from a theonomic worldview. In its place is a feminomic worldview in which nothing exists except material parts and depression. The god of feminism is a nihilistic void. The God of the patriarchs is God and the Lord of all horses.

About Awry Stoic

Coram Deo Stoic. Pray for me to know what to do with my life.
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